e. 7,5. If you want a sound that is balanced between SS and liquid tube this is it. My review notes also state: black background. far more sonic improvement than any pair of interconnects, speaker cables. The Duelund and VCap are in another league, not only in sound quality but also in price ;-) Compared to the Jupiter Copper Foil Paper & Wax used as a bypass, the Jupitor is has richer overtones and has. 2019/VH Audio/- Chris VenHaus, the President and Head Designer of VH Audio, announced the official launch of the new V-Cap™ ODAM series of high-end audio capacitors. 73. sonic gen 1 caps are good for the money but you can also go even higher/better than those. Verdict: 11-Amp Ohm PF-XAL-W-AL 630VDC Paper in Wax aluminium foil - 10% tolerance. It sounds excellent but is perhaps lacking that last bit of organic "meat on the bones" body that I got out of modifying my Havana with Duelund CAST Cu output caps (along with a ton of other mods). First impression are good!! There is a bit more power coming out through out the range. Please note will come with the following (ignore the tubes that are in the photos):. . 68. 1,419 posts. all while greatly increasing part-to-part consistency. The Vcap Odam were not on my radar. in a compact form factor. 22uf coupling caps in my wa5le with vcap cutf. The ODAM's seem to have taken that butter and put a little salt on it to help clean it up and better define and separate the frequencies to a much higher degree. Suggested Retail Price: $67. We've been using early pre-release ODAM caps for output coupling in our TPB. I say this from the perspective of an audiophile in general, and. ”[email protected] effects of mechanical damping in capacitors have long been understood. Model Picture: View. 47uF Miflex is around $25 vs. 7kHz, where the tweeter comes in with a first-order high-pass filter. ". My. Bass slam and accuracy. My previous impression of ClarityCap SA, at a few dollars, was that of a pleasant, rounded sound. The ODAM caps may be of particular interest to Bottleheads because, besides sounding great (to my. ". I got rid of the Solen 33uf Bass cap and replaced it with the New Clarity Csa Cap a Dramatic difference in size 2x the diameter 2x3 and Much better. after the 400 hrs. The first capacitor in the signal path of my Sonic Frontiers Phono 1 is a 0. 18. I consider the VH Fluoropolymer caps to be one of the most important developments in "High-End Audio" in the last decade. 9 KB · Views: 0 3996034-3c7b7907-elekit-tu8600s. I’m very tempted to try the ODAMs in my Aric Audio Unlimited preamp already upgraded with the Audyn True Copper capacitors. 22 uF range, for example. I'm in the midst of a project replacing the . Here too, the V-Cap ODAM series breaks new ground. V1 tube preamp buffer for a few months now and I. Re: My Capacitor comparisons: Mundorfs, VCap, Sonicap Platinum, Auricap, etc. Teavml you could get 2 40uf caps and wire them in parallel (next to each other) and then get the total value of 80uf. Initial impression is a bit more texture in the treble, ambient air, space, great attack. The description spells “expensive,” and indeed the new CuTF capacitor is about 50% more expensive than the V-Cap TFTF (tin foil Teflon). jpg. There are rave reviews of it such as on stereophile. 22 bypass cap . I did spent some time a few days earlier reading about them when I was looking into the Vcap CuTF. Keep in mind I also upgraded 10 resistors to Vishay ZFoils and Audio Note Tantalum. New V-Cap ODAM Capacitors. The review has no bearing whatsoever to other good non-plastic caps. I upgraded it with Vcap ODAM 10uf caps a number of months ago and fell in love with it all over again. 135. The pair of VCaps is $193. The price differential is a little less for larger uF values but definitely not cheaper. 3996035-5a9be0a5-elekit-tu8600s-with-lundahl-opts-vcap-odam-tkd-pot. Sort of a leap of faith selling as I'm sure I will dearly miss this amp. Overall, smoother without any compromises. Odams are interesting as realatively lower price point vs some, and more importantly, smaller size allows use where others can't fit. The Odam are oil filled and hermetically sealed, And all of the reviews were highly positive, a couple of reviews even compared the Odam to Delund Cast capacitors. Manufacturer URL: V-Cap. The unit has about 7 hours on it. ". I say this from the perspective of an audiophile in general, and particularly as a hard-core modifier. NORTH PRAIRIE, WI May 23rd. But their newer less expensive ODAM line maybe in my future. I know what the difference the Vcap ODAM made in the little Zu’s. Reviews I've seen up to. 132. Delete. com Audiophile Posts: 13 Location: Northern Virginia. A 0. Regrettably, Part II of this capacitor shoot-out took a lot longer than planned. . Aluminum or Copper foil Jensens? If so, what. I consider the VH Fluoropolymer caps to be one of the most important developments in "High-End Audio" in the last decade. I recently acquired an MHDT Orchid that was previously modified by grannyring with VCap ODAM output caps + VCap CuTF bypass. And have seen what the VCAP Teflon’s made in the Atma-sphere preamps and amplifiers I’ve had. 07-14-2020 at 11:04am. The two small 4. It will be interesting to. 32: Posted on June 6, 2020 at 07:07:20: roger. While those were simply pure and fresh butter, I do like the VCap ODAM's better. Reply #1 - 10/20/20 at 02:11:37. Description: V-Cap Oil Damped Advanced Metalized audio capacitors. . anyways it became apparent that. Critically acclaimed to be the best audio capacitors for audiophile applications including: interstage and output signal coupling, speaker crossovers, and. One member here with a ds-2 (@wig I think) replaced his miflex output caps with the odams and felt that it was a substantial across the board upgrade. The ODAM series (Oil Damped Advanced Metalized) is a 'wet', hermetically sealed capacitor that offers superior performance in a compact form factor. Report Comment. I have an update. ClarityCap MR Polypropylene Capacitor. member-reviews 150401-6855 V-Cap ODAM: What the Future Sounds Like The evolution of the capacitor has led manufactures. ODAM are great as well, posted on March 9, 2021 at 08:07:07: Gordon Rankin Manufacturer Posts: 2923 Joined: June 9, 2000. Copy Comment URL. com 07:07:20 06/6/20 (6). . RE: REVIEW: V-Cap ODAM Passive Components - hawkmoon 08:07:59 06/06/20 ( 0)The result is the new V-Cap ODAM capacitor series, which sets a new standard for transparency, musicality and reliability. The VCAP Teflon would be way out on my price range. Audiogon Discussion Forum tech-talk 178331-16768 Jupiter vs. The fluid impregnation & filling process has been perfected for complete winding penetration. To say I am pleased is an understatement. " Full Review. The first things i notice immediately is a more powerful bass, mids are rich,. Review by. Claritycap line of capacitors has a large following and has a reputation for great sound at bargain prices, with the SA, PX, and ESA lines selling in $3-8 range at the popular 0. I also tried a number of other caps. TL;DR version: great sound in a small, easy to install package. V-Cap ODAM (Oil Damped Advanced Metalized) capacitors are a unique 'wet', hermetically sealed capacitor design that is very much the sum of its parts- each carefully chosen to maximize musicality, by minimizing internal vibration, optimizing electrical performance (i. The oil we selected maintains consistent electrical and hydraulic properties throughout the operating range. I was initially going to go with the VCap, but since PCX has the Duelund on special it's got me licking my lips. REVIEW: V-Cap ODAM Passive Components. I have 2 home built single ended 2A3 amplifiers. a 0. The kit is currently $1,429 (and what I paid last year for my kit), and Vcap ODAM 10uf cost me $250 for the pair. . The pair of Duelund are $380 with the introductory price (otherwise $1200)Re: V-Cap ODAM Capacitors. 6 caps I had Mundorf Supremes,for highs with a . 3uf, how ever if the input is 200k ohm than I may. A shout-out to Chris VenHaus at VH Audio who formally announced the release of V-CAP's new line of ODAM (Oil Damped Advanced Metalllized) capacitors. 22uf/400V DynamiCap. I just completed an MHDT Orchid upgrade for a customer with the Vcap Odam & Bypass CuTF on the [email protected]. Edit. hi Doug Funny that you ask this, I am currently looking at them to install on my zkit, How ever I am assuming the Zkit has An Input imp of 100k or is closer to 200k ohm, the main reason I ask this is for choice, Steve recommends 3. . I too am interested in hearing comparisons to Odam as I've yet to try. chris August 20, 2014 03:46A review's text conflicts with values and topology seen: "The coaxial’s low-frequency section is operated up to a second-order low-pass crossover at 1. The test platform had to be abandoned due to a failed. 22 Mundorf Silver oilbypass cap ,and new Clarity Csa,with same . All, I have using the Vcap ODAM a lot lately and they sound great Thanks,. DF and ESR) and improving reliability. Vcap Odam? Has anyone compared Vcap Odam vs. I replaced mine with duelund tinned copper casts and felt similarly. . Obviously, people would like to know if the CuTF is worth the surcharge over TFTF, and the short answer would be a resounding “it depends. 2UF capacitors Top up RM99*3 = RM297 for 3 pcs of [RCA 5693] preamp tubes ** NOS with box: D getter, long black plate, NOS, original box Top up RM220*3 = RM660 for 3 pcs of [Amperex ECC88] preamp tubes ** NOS: Bugle Boy label, 1960'S, big O getterODAM V-Cap user comments. Excellent! Overall, I am super pleased, and find myself listening much more than analyzing. And thanks so much again for all your good work. The comments / reviews from users — a diverse group of. ODAM V-Cap user comments. REVIEW: V-Cap ODAM Passive Components - roger. Fluoropolymer film capacitors and oil capacitors by V-Cap. So I'd like to post a review of the V-Cap CuTF copper foil and Teflon capacitors. Kind of depends if I am going to hold on to my Chorus or. It is more a diary than a review. Selling my personally built Bottlehead Mainline. Warmest regards, Frank. Top up RM949, upgrade to 2 x VCAP ODAM 2. « on: 23 May 2019, 07:44 pm ». 47 Vcap ODAM priced at $84. Thanks for your brief words on the Jupiter cap.